The natural sheen of plate reverbs, really lends itself to vocals adding depth and clarity.

I usually go to the fully fledged UAD EMT140 Plate Reverb for vocals. EMT140 / UAD Pure Plate Reverb There is something magic about plate reverbs, and while I will never have enough room ever to own one, UAD’s emulations are spot-on. There is so much that you can do with the Thermionic Culture Vulture and not just on vocals, I find it invaluable in my arsenal. For these extreme settings, I tend to like the high-cut filters as well which removes some of the harshness caused by the distortion. In such situations, however, like the original hardware, the bass can get lost and use the Mix knob (not found on the original unit) if necessary to dial some of it back. For a more aggressive sound, it’s capable of adding a lot of grit yet remain very musical. Its classy distortion is particularly well suited for vocals in my opinion especially in triode mode where it adds a pleasant sheen, weight and presence effortlessly. In small dose it has a great ability to add presence and gravitas, helping any source I put through it cut through in a mix. The UAD Thermionic Culture Vulture is the best-sounding distortion plug-in I have in my arsenal and is my go-to distortion processor for almost anything from drums, guitars, synths, vocals even a buss. Thermionic Culture Vulture I love distortion on vocals (I grew up listening to Butch Vig’s productions and metal), but as I get older, I find myself using it less and less as an effect and more and more as an enhancer. I reviewed this plugin when it was released, and you can read my thoughts in the UAD Manley VoxBox Review. Voxbox The Manley Voxbox is possibly the ultimate vocal channel strip with a high-fidelity valve mic preamp, optical compressor, Pultec-style EQ, de-esser/Limiter. As Universal Audio is running a fantastic Vocal Plug-in promotion with their Apollo Twin Audio Interfaces, I wanted to share with you some of the plug-ins I use all the time or my go-to choice for specific tasks. Universal Audio has been recreating incredibly realistic emulations of some of the best hardware equipment that gets used on all the best recordings we love, giving music creators amazing tools for recording, mixing and mastering.