New Artifacts with the ability of increasing the knife's power to the maximum, killing anybody who touches it, or regenerating the player's health unlimited times.Special enemies with reanimating capability.12 secret levels (4 secret, 4 super-secret and 4 Challenge levels).
Sky and falling snow and rain in "outdoor" areas. Textured floors and ceilings, plus the ability for the floor and ceiling to change when players teleport to other parts of the map. Fire-shooting turrets (similar to the ones in Rise of the Triad).
Switches that open pushwalls or turn on/off turrets.The mod is known for the numerous enhancements it introduces to the engine, including: The other is The Robot.Spear: End of Destiny is a sequel to " Spear Resurrection", a mod of the Spear of Destiny engine from 2001. Professor Quarkblitz is one of only two chaingun wielding enemies where the muzzle flash is properly displayed as coming from the barrels of the gun rather than the center axis.This could be hinting that the Quarkblitz BJ kills is a clone or, perhaps, he was raised from the dead somehow much like Schabbs' mutants.
His death speech "No, not again!" makes little sense as it implies Quarkblitz has died before. "Nein, nicht schon wieder!" "No, not again!" File: "PROFESSORDEATHSND". "Dein letzter Fehler!" "Your last mistake!" File: "PROFESSORSIGHTSND". Sources are given for what Formgen claims is the language, but this is sometimes open to criticism. The poor quality of sound in the game makes it difficult to ascertain what is being said. If you need to grab supplies at an area Quarkblitz is at, be quick! If you're too slow, you'll likely get hit by a rocket, depending on how far away he is from you. If not, begin attacking as stated earlier. Once you get to the other side, see if he tries to follow you. However, if Quarkblitz actually reaches you, run to the opposite side while firing at him. If Quarkblitz gets too close to your hiding spot, you usually don't have to worry the primitive AI will back up and give you some room to fire. After you retreat, wait a second so that the fired rocket can hit the wall, then repeat the process until he dies. It takes him a second to stop and fire his guns, so you'll have a nice window of opportunity to get a few shots in. As soon as he sees you, hide behind cover and occasionally pop out to fire some shots from your chaingun. Defeating Quarkblitz relies upon using cover.